Friday, March 27, 2015

‘Suits’ New Season Start This Summer

Suits season 5 hasn’t started yet, but that hasn’t stopped people from speculating on what will happen with the next season of the show. The Suits season 4 finale happened a few days ago. What happened was that Harvey stepped up to the plate for Donna yet again, but after the ordeal, she decided to be Louis’s lawyer again.

The executive producer for the show, Aaron Korsh, said that in Suits season 5, Donna will be forced to choose more than once between Harvey and Louis. We will also see Robert Zane again in Suits season 5. He was mostly absent for a lot of Suits season 4. Korsh said in an interview that they were lucky enough to get Wendell Pierce to do a few episodes of the upcoming season. Korsh added that Pierce will be helping Pearson Spector Litt out with a case as well. Mike and Rachel will be getting married sometime during next season, but we don’t know when.
As far as his exact role on the show, it’s been rumored that he will mostly be a negative influence instead of a positive one. He may to try and sabotage Harvey and Donna’s relationship yet again. Robert Zane is yet another strong character on the show. Whenever he makes an appearance, it’s not because he is a pushover in any way. Many people liked the way that Suits season 4 ended, because it mostly wiped the slate clean for Suits season 5.
Most of the big problems have been solved, and Mike’s secret isn’t exactly looming over everyone anymore. In the previous seasons, it was always a thing that the writers could use themselves to get themselves out of a jam. Many people didn’t enjoy Suits season 3 that much, and thought that Suits season 4 was one of the better ones in the series so far. If Suits season 5 can keep the same character-driven stories as the other seasons, than it will surely be a success as well.
Suits started out as a summer TV show, but because of its popularity, has been moved around a little bit. We don’t know when Suits season 5 will air, but presumably it will happen in a few months from now either in late summer or early fall.

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